Thursday, September 4, 2008


Qoute 1
If you love and miss that person.....
then love can come again when you meet again.......
just like playing hide and seek.......
no matter where it hides or even if u cant see it......
it must be waiting at some place for you........
amid the countless chaos.......
just like the sincere prayers of love........
the people in love will surely meet again......

Qoute 2
Cinta layaknya seperti seekor rama2...
semakin kalian mengejarnya..........
semakin jauh ia terbang kemana saja ia suka......
siapa tahu bila ia lelah dan tidak sedar akan kewujudanmu
ia bakal mengibaskan sayapnya kearahmu.......
menumpang teduh dari panas hujan badai duniawi
dalam keadaan yang kau tidak sangka ........
mungkin saja rama2 yang kau kejar itu bukan rama2 yang Allah peruntukan buatmu......

itu dua quote yang dipetik dari laman web i luv islam.....

nak cerita pulak quote dari diriku.....

Quote 3 (ciptaan n hak milik aku)
love is a complicated feeling....
sometimes we feel it sometimes we dont...
sometimes the person we love doesnt want us.....
sometimes the person we dont love want us....
sometimes we think he/she meant for us but they dont...
sometimes we think he/she isnt meant for us but they are....
sometimes people willing to do anything for love...
sometimes people be blind by love...
the truth is love is a great feeling...
but dont love one's too much...
because when we lost them we might no have a gut to handle it....
love Allah with all your will....
it is the most sincere love of all....
love people as much as you can but dont overdo it...
caring is loving...
care the one you love most...
and dont you ever hurt your lover's heart...
and dont dare to cheat the person you love

topik jiwang untuk minggu nie...
selamat berpuasa untuk semua.....


YuNaKu3 said...

lagi besh kalu dpt wat qoute sendiri pastu kasi kat loverboy..XD <3333

anashahira said...

hihihi..ok gak tue...
tapi sayer nie kan pemalu...

Anonymous said...

huhu...ana..normal la tu admire kt org..kte stuju ngn qoute ana wat tuh..x per la..admire bleh tp jgn blebihan..kdg2 bile blebihan syaitan la yg sdang mengusik kte...huhu...

anashahira said...

ain kah anonymous tue??????